Research theme
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Current Research themes of the lab:
We are interested in developing an inducible knock down system which could be used to characterize essential virulence factor in amastigote stage of Leishmania infection. We are presently focusing on several amastigote specific proteases which could facilitate establishment of a successful infection.
We are also interested in addressing the issue of aggressive pathology in drug resistant Leishmania infection. We are particularly focusing on differential metabolic adaptations and use of host derived lipids by drug resistant Leishmania parasites to support their higher energy and nutritional requirement.
In a parallel project we are trying to determine genetic factors (particularly HLA) which can determine the outcome of Apicomplexan infection in HbE Beta Thalassemia patients.
Awards, Scholarships and Patents
Awards and Scholarships
Shatarupa Bhattacharya is awarded the Best Poster Presentation Award at the 45th All India Cell Biology Conference and International Symposium of Biology of Development and Disease, held in BHU, Varanasi (2023).
Shatarupa Bhattacharya won the second prize in the "Saransh – Thesis Competition for Ph.D. students", organized by INYAS (2022).
Supratim Pradhan received PMRF Fellowship (2021)
Current Projects:
Identification and Characterization of Proteins Involved in Transmission Machinery of Protozoan Pathogens - Institute Project (Completed)
Comparative assessment of the neutralization efficacy of Indigenous vaccines against prevailing variants of concerns of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in India. ICMR (Co-PI)
Community-Based Intervention to Address Antibiotic Resistance: An Embedded Mixed-Methods Interventional Study.
Molecular & biochemical characterization of amastigote specific proteases involved in late-stage infection & dissemination of drug resistant & sensitive clinical Leishmania donovani isolates. Start-up Research Grant (SRG), SERB, DST (Completed)
Production of SARS-COV-2 c-DNA library with specific genome architecture of Indian Isolates for subsequent development of centralized In-House Repository of Recombinant Antigen and Antibody for COVID-19 related research - Institute Project (Completed)
Mechanistic investigation of the complex inter-relationship between HbE/Betathalassemia and protozoan parasite infections with HLA association.
CRISPR-Cas based rapid diagnostics of Miltefosine susceptible and resistant strains of Leishmania donovani from asymptomatic and post kala azar dermal leishmaniasis using invasive and non-invasive approach. ICMR
Unravelling differential metabolic regulation in drug-resistant and sensitive clinical Leishmania donovani (LD) isolates as a possible cause of altered immune metabolic phenotype in the infected host.
ICMR (Approved)
Investigating a possible role of higher iron acquisition with rapid emergence of drug resistance in clinical isolates of Leishmania donovani. MoE